- Laser trabeculoplasty: This procedure uses a laser to make small openings in the trabecular meshwork (the drainage system in the eye) to improve the drainage of fluid and lower IOP.
- Trabeculectomy: This surgery involves creating a new drainage channel in the eye to allow fluid to drain out and lower IOP. It is often used when other methods, such as medications and laser surgery, have not been effective in controlling IOP.
- Glaucoma drainage implants: This surgery involves placing a small tube or implant in the eye to help drain excess fluid and lower IOP. The tube or implant is usually inserted through a small incision in the sclera (the white part of the eye).
- Cyclophotocoagulation: This procedure uses a laser to destroy some of the cells in the ciliary body (a ring of tissue that produces fluid in the eye) to reduce the production of fluid and lower IOP.
- Iridotomy: This procedure involves creating a small hole in the iris (the coloured part of the eye) to improve the drainage of fluid and lower IOP. It is often used to treat angle-closure glaucoma.
- Laser trabeculoplasty: This procedure uses a laser to make small openings in the trabecular meshwork (the drainage system in the eye) to improve the drainage of fluid and lower IOP.
- Trabeculectomy: This surgery involves creating a new drainage channel in the eye to allow fluid to drain out and lower IOP. It is often used when other methods, such as medications and laser surgery, have not been effective in controlling IOP.
- Glaucoma drainage implants: This surgery involves placing a small tube or implant in the eye to help drain excess fluid and lower IOP. The tube or implant is usually inserted through a small incision in the sclera (the white part of the eye).
- Cyclophotocoagulation: This procedure uses a laser to destroy some of the cells in the ciliary body (a ring of tissue that produces fluid in the eye) to reduce the production of fluid and lower IOP.
- Iridotomy: This procedure involves creating a small hole in the iris (the coloured part of the eye) to improve the drainage of fluid and lower IOP. It is often used to treat angle-closure glaucoma.